Registration is open on September 3rd for Hancock Park District’s 10th Annual Hike-It! program.
The Hancock Park District (HPD) Hike-It! program is a way for folks to go out and explore the trails throughout Hancock County. For the tenth year, participants are encouraged to walk the designated trails at several Hancock County locations. Hike-It! registration begins Tuesday, September 3rd. Trail charts must be emailed to hpdparks@hancockparks.com or dropped off at the Hancock Park District Administrative Office, 1424 East Main Cross Street in Findlay, before Friday, December 6 2024 to reserve your medallion.
Registration forms may be found below. If this is your first year to participate, you may stop into the office to pick up your complimentary walking stick.
- Individual Registration
- Family Registration
- Trail Chart
- Trail & Park Locations
- Trail Maps