Archives: Events

Afternoon Movie in the Park: Winnie the Pooh

Oakwoods Nature Preserve, Discovery Center

Enjoy a cold Saturday afternoon in the park by joining us inside the Discovery Center for a Winnie the Pooh movie and popcorn. Oakwoods Nature Preserve Discovery Center 1:30 PM Families. Free; but click here to register each person in your party by 1 PM on Friday, January 17. Minimum: 4/Maximum: 30 Chris Allen […]


Birds of the Feeder: Open House

Oakwoods Nature Preserve, Discovery Center

During winter’s cold and snowy weather, there are still birds to be found in our area. Most of these birds will visit the bird feeders located outside the Discovery Center. Find out who they are, what they eat, and how you can set up your own bird feeding station. Children will be able to make […]


Owl Prowl

Riverbend Recreation Area, Big Oaks Activity Area, Shelter #3 16618 TR 208, Findlay, OH, United States

Late winter is the best time to search for owls in Ohio. On this night hike, we will search for owls that call the park home. We will talk about the owls that live in Ohio, their unique features, and why this time of year is the best time to search for owls. Recorded owl […]


Wee Ones: Little Bunny’s Snowman

Oakwoods Nature Preserve, Discovery Center

Little Bunny is extremely excited to make his first snowman, but it is harder to build than he thinks. A story will be read and then children can make a snowman craft (children will learn how to make fake snow if there is no snow outside). Oakwoods Nature Preserve Discovery Center 10 AM Ages 3 […]


How Animals Adapt for Winter

Oakwoods Nature Preserve, Discovery Center

Many animals need to go through a change to get ready for winter. Due to the low temperatures and decrease in food supplies, animals will go through a variety of changes to manage the cold months. In this program, we will look at a variety of animals and how they prepare for the winter. Animals […]


Life on the Trail Nature Hike

Aeraland Recreation Area, Shelter Fostoria, OH, United States

Winter is a great time to hike, look for animal tracks and other signs, and identify which animals are awake during the winter months. We will look for tracks made by deer, squirrels, fox, and birds searching for winter seeds to eat. If we are lucky, snow will be on the ground. Aeraland Recreation Area […]


The Magic of Magnets

Oakwoods Nature Preserve, Discovery Center

We will talk about magnets, what they are, how they work, and what they are used for in everyday life. Afterward, we will do some hands-on activities. Participants will have an opportunity to create a painting using tempera paints and the power of magnets. Oakwoods Nature Preserve Discovery Center 6 PM Ages 6-10 with an […]


Hands on Fur

Oakwoods Nature Preserve, Discovery Center

Children can work on sensory development by touching the furs of Ohio mammals. Each animal’s fur feels a little different. Some are soft and fluffy while others are short and scruffy. Children (and adults) can learn animal names and sounds as they touch the furs. Afterward, explore the Discovery Center and look at live animals […]


Flashlight Storytime

Oakwoods Nature Preserve, Discovery Center

The fireplace will be lit and milk jug luminaries with battery candles will light up the rest of the Discovery Center as we read books by flashlight. We will read a story as a group, then you will be able to read our nature books on your own. Bring your favorite flashlight and a pillow […]


Baking Bread: Open House

Litzenberg Memorial Woods, McKinnis House 6100 US 224 West, Findlay, Ohio

Your nose will be treated to the warm smell of bread baking in the old cook stove as you help the McKinnis family and neighbors prepare dough. Learn about the different kinds of breads they eat and how they bake without commercial yeast. Litzenberg Memorial Woods McKinnis House 1-4 PM All ages are welcome Free; […]


Fun Crafting with Rocks

Oakwoods Nature Preserve, Discovery Center

Rocks are fun in many ways. You can paint, wire wrap, and build fun creations with just a little imagination. We will build a fun creation using rocks of all sizes and pour paint on them. Fun creations will be on display. Oakwoods Nature Preserve Discovery Center 1:30-3:30 PM Ages 18 and up. Click here […]


Animals Around the Clock

Oakwoods Nature Preserve, Discovery Center

The animal world is open 24/7. Some animals like to wake up to the sun and some animals wake up when the sun is setting. In this program, we will talk about the various sleep cycles found in the animal world. We will look at animals that are awake during the day, animals that are […]

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